Jeera Morley

61 Queen St, Morley, LS27 8EB

Menu Jeera Indian Morley

The takeaway menu of Jeera Indian, an Indian takeaway in Morley, offers a number of Indian delicacies to its customers. A close look on our menu can help you to plan your next takeaway order for our takeaway restaurant. Our menu starts with a wide variety of starters like Tikka Starter, Shish Kebab Starter, Chicken Chaat, Lamb Dosa, Fish Pakora and King Prawn Puree and so on. After starters you can find tandoori dishes of different types including Tandoori Chicken and Tandoori King Prawn etc. We also offer a variety of speciality dishes from our House such as Naga Surprise, Mint Mangsho Moss, Sylhet Special, Bangladeshi Kofta Khana, Murgh Achar, Duck Bahar and Mexican Chilli Chicken etc. etc. There is also a Balti dishes section in our menu to offer you dishes like Prawn Balti, Vegetable Balti and Chicken Tikka Balti etc. Next to balti dishes our menu offers various Mild dishes for those who like less spicy food like Zamdani Modhoo and Tikka Pasanda etc. In its main dishes section you can find Bhuna, Korma, Pathia, Madras, Rogan Josh, Dhansak, Do piazza, Vindaloo, Karahi and Jalfrezi dishes to choose form. Certain biryani dishes, vegetable dishes and rice dishes are also the part of our menu. In Sundries section of our menu you can get a selection of breads and other sundry items that can make your next order more interesting for your family and friends. Before winding up our menu we offer few English dishes and appetizer drinks.

About Jeera Indian Morley

Jeera Indian is gaining popularity as an Indian takeaway in Morley since its inauguration some time ago. In order to earn this popularity we are working hard to win the confidence of people residing in this city as well as commuting here very frequently. We are accepting their online orders to save their time and efforts required for waiting for the delivery of their order. Online order have allowed them to use this time for doing more important tasks as they can reach us at the time suggested by us, while confirming their orders, to collect their orders. In order to make online orders more convenient we have recently launched our apps through Apple Store and Google Store. When you download our apps on your mobile devices, from any of these platforms, then you will be able to place your takeaway orders even without reaching your home or office. You can place you order even on the go.

Restaurant location Jeera Indian Morley

The location of Jeera Indian Morley, an Indian takeaway, at 61 Queen St, Morley, LS27 8EB has made it easier to find us in Morley as it is one of the prominent locations of this city. Any local person can also guide you to reach us easily due to our increasing popularity in this region. The means of local transportation, public or private, can also be helpful for you to reach us to collect your order. If you are visiting this city for the first time even then you can easily find us with the help of online mapos like Google maps etc.

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